Monday, April 19, 2010


Yesterday was the second 5K I've run/walked in several years! The hardest part of running at the beginning yesterday was to run my own race. I was so caught up in the excitement of the moment it was hard to hold back to my regular pace when throngs of runners were passing me.

I've been thinking about my Christian walk lately too, and remembering the verse in Hebrews that says God wants me to run the race He has set before ME, fixing my eyes on Jesus (my prize). My race is different from other people I look to for inspiration. It's hard not to compare.

I saw all kinds of women with "fit bodies" yesterday and thought with dismay of when I used to look like that and dreaming of hopefully getting closer to that image again. Madison Avenue doesn't have it all wrong. Image IS important. Where the advertisers get off track is "to whose image are we to conform?" My race/walk with the Lord is the one He has laid out for ME so I will begin to conform to HIS image.

Knowing the truth and living the truth are not the same.