Sunday, April 18, 2010

It is the Lord's Day

Began the day early with the Run Through Redlands. There was half-marathon, 10K and 5K (my race). I've been training the past month since the last 5K with friends, so I ran the first mile then a few short sprints here and there. Don't know my time yet, because I was looking at the wrong clock at the finish. But I did finish!

I'm hoping less than 45 minutes, which is the time I used to walk 3 miles.

Tom woke up with a headache and nausea, so he missed walking the Half-Marathon. Too much sun at soccer yesterday. He gets "sun sick" and I turn into a Mexican.

Then to church (after a shower and change) and now nap time!

Me, Sarah and her Dad, Dirk Isaacs