Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Back to school

I was supposed to spend the morning at the Apple Store working on a music history book for my piano students. They love the stories I tell of the composers' lives in our theory classes. But I didn't realize Tom had a holiday: "Cesar Chavez Day" the California man who improved the lives of the Mexican farm workers. So he took me to breakfast (Tom, not Cesar). I need to hide away in a mountain cabin for one or two weeks with no interruptions to make better progress on the book.

Tonight was the first class of a 10-week course, "How to Teach English to Non-English Speakers." It's an abbreviated university course, held at our church, and taught by a professor from my alma mater. I already have four Mexican ladies who want to be in my class, and I haven't even been trained yet. I am so excited!

The church is training several of us in hopes of sending us to Vietnam or Spain or somewhere next year for two-weeks of teaching English to nationals and to open doors of communication for the missionaries there. But they are also very supportive of what I am doing at Micah House right here in Redlands. Who knows where this will lead me?