Four students and a sister came this morning to help me decorate.
First we had to undecorate--put all the Thanksgiving decorations away to make room for the Christmas decorations.
One of several manger scenes were set up in the front hallway.
Then the trees were set up---one was a disaster and fell apart after 14 faithful years---the musical ornament tree. This is the one I specifically wanted my music students to decorate. They loved decorating and want to come back to decorate this tree--after I buy a replacement.
But we got Tom's tree decorated. Yes, Tom has his own tree. He got tired of the music tree and went to Mozart's--an amazing home decorating shop in town--and found some elegant decorations for "his own tree."
We also dressed up the table. I like to use the Christmas dishes all month long. If I'm going to the trouble of getting them out of box and washing them, I want to use them more than one or two days.
Here are all the elves who brought Christmas to my home this year.