Today would be their orientation to school, but it was obviously that they needed a cultural orientation ahead of time. These are not poor people. They are university graduates coming to America for a graduate degree. But I still surprised--very surprised--that they do are not acquainted with deodorant and toothpaste. They reeked and had bad breath.
I thought about it for some time before I decided it would be kinder to bring up the subject of deodorant. I said I was sorry to bring it up, but if they want to fit into the American culture, they need to wear deodorant. Otherwise people will avoid them. Last year one of the male students smelled so bad the other students in the class complained. I was pleased that they bought deodorant.
Apparently they weren't too insulted, because after the shopping they invited us to their dorm common room. They served us ginger tea made from fresh ginger, boiled milk and water, sugar, and tea leaves. Very delicious, even though I don't use milk and sugar in my tea. They also served us "rice flakes" with tumeric, onion, cumin, and something spicy. Also delicious. They eat this spicy mixture for breakfast. After I finished my portion, it occurred to me (too late) to ask if it was more polite to leave some food in the bowl. They didn't respond immediately, so I quickly took a spoonful from Linda's bowl (she was finished) and put it into mine. They laughed.
At the Indian store I bought some ginger tea that has dehydrated honey in it. I had some today. Verrry spicy. No sore throat germs could survive that tea. But I like it.
Then there's the Ballerina Tea. I bought it because it was intriguing. It's a dietary supplement to help one lose weight. Well, sure! Anytime you drink tea instead of a meal, you're going to lose weight. But with this tea, I'm sure I'll feel like a ballerina, even if I don't look like one.