Eric had such a clever idea. He put masking tape on the garage floor so I would know how far back and how far to the side to park in the garage. I cannot see the front or the back of the car when parking. I don't want to get too close to the garden utensils in the back and don't want the garage door to automatically close on the hood in the front. So I'm having difficulty judging where I am in the garage from the driver's seat.
I always pull in backward so I can pull out easily without swiping Tom's truck which is always parked outside. Don't ask why. Well, I'll say why anyway.
My story is his truck is too tall to fit under the door opener. His story is there's too much stuff on his side of the garage. Actually, we're both correct.
And I thought I was so clever in cropping out the stuff next to the car, then noticed it shows in the reflection of the fender. Rats!