Saturday, June 5, 2010


The song goes, "When I was young, I asked my mother, 'What will I be?'"

I'm 63 and still finding new things to be.

I'm studying German. I have new German friends in Germany and Austria. Fortunately they speak a lot of English. But I'm learning some German anyway.

Monday I'll be installed as President of the Redlands Music Teacher's Association for the next two years.

I mentioned recently that this week I finished an intensive course on teaching ESL (English as a Second Language). I'm so eager to begin teaching! So eager that I gave the Missions Pastor a proposed budget (he requested it) the day after class ended.

I had in mind to teach maybe 4-10 adults at Micah House for a morning or evening two-hour class each week.

Then this evening our ESL teacher called to tell me that God has opened a HUGE door of opportunity--much more than I ever imagined. And I'm half terrified to step inside.

The Redlands Adult School is closing their ESL program in four days. FOUR DAYS! The students are distraught and begging for continuing classes. So there is a HUGE need. A 240 student type of need. No that's not a typo. Waaaaaayyyyyy beyond my capabilities.

But wait, there were 14 of us in the class. Okay, two were college students who don't want to teach all year, two more declined for other reasons. So that's 9 more besides me, but I haven't gotten to ask them yet, because I don't meet with the Missions Pastor until tomorrow. (He doesn't even know I'm going to corner him to give a brief verbal rundown and a paper with bullet points of the need, the available resources, and what I need him to provide in order for this to happen.)

Why the hurry? The teacher wants me to visit the classes Monday and Tuesday so the students can meet me. As foreigners, they are shy and need to see a friendly face. Also so I can offer them hope before they leave for the summer.

Only God can work out these details. I'm pretty interested to see what He's going to do.