I love my garden. Especially now that it is not so much work!
The English garden is gone and grass is in.
I look from my kitchen window onto this private outdoor room.
A garden should be functional. A place to read, to have a cup of tea,
to lie in the sun, to have a barbeque.
It should be romantic. Christmas lights line the edge of the patio roof
and at night they give a warm glow.
My dream is to hang a bed on heavy cable from the patio roof so it swings just slightly, and hang gauzy curtains for privacy, and
sleep outside in summer.
A garden should be a place of beauty
with many colorful flowers and trees.

And edible. A source of food.
These beets were harvested this morning.
Tonight we will have Harvard Beets (like sweet and sour).
My winter garden is almost finished. There is still some cabbage,
lots of onions, a few garlic to be harvested.
Now its time to put in lots of tomatoes, several kinds of peppers,
more lettuce, swiss chard, and what else? More flowers of course.