All week my mind was not where it should be. I am reminded of the verse, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind." I must guard my thoughts. I give a half-hearted attempt. I fail. I try and fail again. I suffer. I cry for repentance.
Finally, sick of my weakness I repeat aloud the Bible chapters I have memorized in the past. What a refuge God's Word is.
Late Wednesday a dear Christian sister who is also a piano mother encouraged me to join a group who prays during the second service at church. Friday morning I sang worship songs with the radio on the 30 minute drive to my computer training appointment and the load was finally lifted off my heart. Saturday the Lord gave me peace when I was lost.
Today I joined with the brothers and sisters who pray with such faith. Then after church an email from another Christian friend both lifts my spirits and breaks my heart for those in need. Again I cry out to God. What joy the Lord gives to those who run to Him. There is no friend like Jesus or like those who love Him.