Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Happening

Friday night was Trinity Church's outreach to the community.
Every Halloween for the past 14 years I've attended this church
they have put on this huge event.
It gets better every year.
Here are a few pictures.

One of the things I've always appreciated about Trinity Church
is the use of artists' and decorators' talents.

One of the two worship bands.
Some of the crowd of 5,000 at the free game booths,
where they got candy whether they win or not.
(5,000 is conservative--up to 8,000 were expected)

I usually avoid this event.
I'm not a fan of Halloween or of dressing up
and am involved in plenty of other ministries,
but our 2nd service prayer group had a prayer tent,
where I intended to participate.
I only had one hour to give,
but after being delayed in the traffic jam,
I couldn't FIND the prayer tent until it was time to leave.
I took these pictures as I was looking for it.

A great costume
The Food Court Area.
On Sundays this is where coffee and donuts are served
and folks visit between services.
Finally! The prayer tent.
It was set up like a Bedouin tent
with oriental rugs and huge pillows to sit on.
Very comfortable and welcoming.
I found out on Sunday morning that several people
stopped by for prayer
for very difficult problems they are facing.
So it was an excellent thing to do.