Saturday, September 18, 2010

Worship Team Seminar

This morning Trinity had a Worship Team Seminar. We had a lovely buffet breakfast, a time of worship singing with the Praise Band from Calvary Chapel, a sermon on "What is Worship?" by Dr. Leafblad, the grandfather of one of my former students (who's mother told me today they are coming back!). Then everyone could attend two different seminars: vocal, guitar, sound board, piano improvisation (I taught that one), percussion, leading, etc.

There was a nice group in my class both sessions. A little difficult with beginners and advanced together. Maybe next time it should be listed as "beginning" and "advanced." But everyone said they learned something, so that makes it a success.

I actually left the worship team a year ago to sit with Tom in the audience, since he decided that Trinity would be his church too. All of us pianists agreed we know very few of the words to songs--we're always focused on the music. So now I often cry during worship singing as my heart agrees with the lyrics.

John, a crazy jazz pianist, is one of the 4 current pianists on our rotating worship team. He plays in a style that is just beyond my ability. Jazz pianists, like theater people, are a different breed. I asked him to show me a couple new things, and could hardly keep up with him.

I ought to take lessons with him, but WHEN? I'm too busy as it is. It's just such a nice opportunity because he knows and can explain the structure of what he is playing, which is unusual for a jazz pianist (I think). I understand chord structure so it seems I might be able to play jazz. But I just cannot work in one more thing right now.