Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Meeting

This morning was my first board meeting as president of the local music teacher's association. I was dreading it, but it was an excellent meeting. I'm so glad. I worried for no reason. Every officer and director is taking charge of their area so well. I am blessed to work with such fine people.

The state organization is requiring us to bring our branch bylaws into compliance with the state bylaws. Oh dear! A political difference of opinion to begin with. And no one wants to take this on. Of course I must be a part of it, because I honestly don't know our bylaws well and ought to.

My good friend Christine offered to help me, so we will take a Saturday and go to Lake Arrowhead in the mountains and work for two hours, then take a mid-morning break to shop, work for two more hours, then lunch, then two more hours and we should be finished.

I used to do this when I had a study for certification tests when I worked for the hospital.
Work--reward--work--reward--work. A good way to get 6 good hours of hard work done.