Monday, July 12, 2010

Ready..... Set.....GO!

Yesterday I found out from the Missions Pastor that I can go ahead with plans to teach ESL (English as a Second Language) at Micah House in September. The goal is to teach 2 hours each morning Monday - Friday, September through May. So much to do:

--continue to pray for guidance from above (several have been praying this would happen)

--form a steering committee of all the recently trained ESL teachers to plan details together

--find out who will commit to teach: the ideal would be to have two teams of two teachers--one team teach Monday, Wednesday, Friday and the other to teach Tuesday and Thursday.

--prepare the room

--decide on curriculum, order and begin making lesson plans

--get poster announcements made and publicize

--work on finding grants to pay teachers and subsidize needy students

--find an Events Coordinator who will intentionally plan events where Christ is presented to the students in some way