Sunday, April 11, 2010

It is the Lord's Day

Yesterday after the Memorial service and burial we went to Jeanette's for a meal. A lovely time together with family and friends. Then twenty-one family members came to my house to see on our oversize screen the movie of Dad's life in pictures created by Faith and her son-in-law Joel.

Today brother David's family and sister Virginia joined us in church. I was so happy they were there! And I was so disappointed the others didn't come. It was so important to have my siblings see my home and come to my church. We've lived apart for so many more years than we lived together. But I think we feel closer to someone when we have an accurate mental picture of the places where they are.

Some left for the airport and the rest of us got together for lunch at Spaghetti Factory and visited at a private table for two hours! David tipped the waitress a second time, because we stayed so long. Then we moved outside and visited another 30 minutes on the steps outside. We promised to get together in two years. We exchanged kisses and hugs several times. It was so hard to say, "Goodbye."