Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Why is such a day good? It is a reminder that only God can turn our darkest hours into something very good.

This poem I wrote about five years ago. It's more like the Lord gave me this poem, the words came so easily. It is my gift to Him.

Messiah's Song

This is a song
I groan to sing
A requiem...for my fair King
Messiah, sent from heaven above
Giver of life, giver of love

I wandered aimlessly that night
I could not bear to see the sight
...of people jeering in that place
...of Jesus hanging in disgrace

I sobbed, I moaned, I could not sleep
I wondered why He did not keep
His promises of life above
to me and others whom He loved

His words of love filled our hearts.
We cannot bear to be apart
from One who gave so freely of
unending hope, unending love.

In early morn I hurried where
the garden tomb beckoned me there,
to lavish spices on his lair
and leave my heart, a shattered one.

But there was none to dress in death!
The tomb was empty...length and breadth!
I saw a gardener standing by
and turned to ask him, "Where?" and "Why?"

"What's this?" I asked, "What have you done?
"My Lord is gone...I'd just begun
to let Him melt my heart of stone
and now I'm left here...all alone."

He gently said my name to me.
I recognized immediately
that voice I loved, the One adored...
before me, standing, was my Lord!

"Rabboni, Rabboni" was all I could say
But now I knew Messiah's way
of sealing all eternity
it give His life for me!

What grateful joy! What heady bliss!
Confusion gone, I now know this.
My requiem's now a joyful song!
God kept His promise all along!