Friday, February 26, 2010

Saying goodbye...

The day started by saying goodbye to the infinity edge of the ocean
and heading for the snowy hills of home.

We arrived home in time to say goodbye at the memorial service for Don, the husband of a friend, held in my old neighborhood at the same church where we were married. Surreal.

There is a very large group of people who have attended this church at various times in their lives, and we have kept in touch through the years attending family weddings and funerals. We are held together by our common faith, longevity of friendship, and the love that one special pastor taught us to have for one another. We are like a little country village in a transient world. Ten of us women have kept in touch for at least ten years by a round robin letter that circulates about once a year, reaching Florida, Ohio, Arizona, and California.

Everyone stays for a meal together after a memorial service and there was lots of catching up to do.

Afterward I couldn't walk by Johnny & Helen's home (my elder former neighbors) without dropping in for an unexpected visit. It was another lovely reunion with tea, like we used to have together on a Sunday afternoon. How convenient it was in those days to live across the street from the church we attended and where Roxanne went to Christian school.