Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's the Lord's Day. Church was awesome this morning. I need time to think through the pastor's sermon on Lazarus and the rich man from Luke 16. I am convicted to alter my way of living. I'll have to listen to it again at because there is no time to meditate today. I usually keep Sunday as a day of rest, but today and next week will be exceptions.

After church I spent the rest of the day at the University of Redlands observing my 5-year old student, Audrey, and several others take master class lessons from Cathy, a teacher trainer here for the weekend from Texas.

When my student and her father arrived in the auditorium, there were squeals of excitement by Audrey and one of her nursery school friends as they discovered each other and realized they are both piano students (different teacher).
At the end of the day Cathy for 4 more of us piano teachers gathered for a dinner party and much catching up since we only see her once a year. Our visiting included updates on our families, funny or exasperating experiences we've had with students or parents over the years, and how to approach problems in our teaching.

Well, it came out that I have been hinting to Tom that I would like a dozen roses. I think that is one of the ultimate romantic things a man can give a woman. I'm not asking for diamonds, just roses. But no roses yet. Naomi said she doesn't care for roses, but her husband buys them for her all the time. I was incredulous! Cathy said her husband sends her roses from time to time with a sweet note. We all fell over laughing when she offered to have her husband send me a dozen roses from Texas and sign the card, "Love, Bruce." "That will get your husband thinking," she said. But I am fortunate my husband loves the symphony, especially when there is a violin or piano concerto, and great choral concerts, and for six years we had season tickets to the ballet where we saw the great ballet companies from around the world. After hearing that, they said I should forget the roses. Now I'm not a diva, but I still think roses would be awfully nice.