Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mustard Seed Faith

It's the Lord's Day, and I've been thinking for some time about faith that moves mountains. No, really. Not just since the recent earthquakes. Although when they happened it was amusing to think, "I wonder if someone is praying?" I'd like to talk with that person. Not to tell them to stop, but to find out how they came to such amazing faith. If faith can move mountains, shouldn't skiers be warned? :) Tom and I read that passage several months ago in morning devotions, and I can't stop thinking about it.

God is not only willing, but it gives Him great pleasure to do amazing things in answer to prayer. When Jesus scolded the disciples in the boat during the terrifying storm for their lack of faith, could they, by their faith in the God of the Universe, have caused the winds and waves to obey them? Could that have been possible? I wonder.

I don't think Jesus meant He would only move mountains metaphorically, although he has moved in many immovable situations in my life. Is it audacious to think He would REALLY move a mountain if we had faith as small as a mustard seed? But I cannot see any plausible reason to ask God to actually move a mountain, so I cannot see myself asking for that. But I want that kind of faith. My faith is even smaller than a mustard seed. How bold would I need to be to ask God such a thing?

One June many years ago I secretly dared to ask Him for three things: a baby, a girl, by the end of the year. I kept pestering Him, trying to be polite and respectful, but just annoying Him with repeated requests. I knew He could do it, but I didn't FEEL any great faith. I didn't KNOW He would answer, but I kind of expected Him to do it. It sounds disrespectful, but I expected Him to act like the God He said He is. Why would He inspire the words of the Bible, make promises in the Bible, give me the privilege of learning to read, having a Bible, and give me the faith to believe it, if He was going to ignore me from then on?

Reading about the faith of the great men and women of the Bible isn't enough for me. If God is God, I need Him to be MY God. I need Him to answer MY prayers. Well!!! HE DID IT. I was speechless (well, no, I'm never speechless) but still to this day I find it hard to comprehend that Almighty God paid attention to MY request.

God has answered many prayers for me, but most of them I considered small ones (how rude). Just recently He gave me a HUGE answer to another prayer. Wow. Praying is more and more fun as I wait to see what God is going to do.

Tom is taking mustard seed faith to heart also. He made a list of several miracles (things beyond his control) that He is asking God to do this year. Today I will write out my own list.