So you see I'm not very good at regular blogging. Life interrupted my posts. So it's catch up time.
First Thanksgiving. In our family each family member hosts a different holiday, and mine is always Thanksgiving, a uniquely American holiday of praising God for his blessings of home and family and country...and of course, feasting. Here are some of the fun things I made this year. Pilgrim hats made of marshmallows dipped in chocolate on top of a store-purchased chocolate cookie. Frosting buckles added. Then the salad course was a pear and citrus Turkey. Everyone loved it, but never again. Too much last minute preparation when there are so many dishes to juggle so they're all warm and ready at the same time. The funny little green and yellow thing is supposed to be a cob of corn. It's really a wrapped tissue tube filled with a Bible verse of Thanksgiving and a little card for each guest to write and take home a Thank You note to God for his blessings. My only "mistake" (although Julia Child says never admit your kitchen mistakes) was substituting our family's traditional Tortilla Soup course with a strawberry yogurt soup that really should be served only in summertime. Almost everyone turned their nose up at it, and because they are family I was teased unmercifully for changing their precious "traditional meal." Certain dishes must always be included and some must prepared the same way every time because this holiday is the only time we eat them. Even though my creative nature is somewhat discouraged, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, because there is no pressure of gifts, and the secular culture hasn't come up with a substitute to dilute the meaning of the holiday.